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01 March 2011

Knight Sher's Turning

It's not every day that your oldest Angel still in sl turns into a wonderful vamp. I met Sher on September 5th at Help Island wandering around like a noob and having house issues. I knew within the first few minutes of talking to him that there was something special about him. Over the months, I've had the privilege of being his friend, his liege and his sister. As he stands here with his beautiful wife in front of family and friends, I couldn't be more proud of the person he has always been and has yet to become. You're one of the best people I know, Sher, and I'm honored and humbled to be a part of your second life.

"You have come to finally receive the dark gift, is this correct?"
"Yes, I have."

"First you must be drained of your humanity, are you ready to proceed?"
"Yes, I am."

"Aggie, will you please do the honor of biting your husband for the last remaining pieces of his humanity?"

Leaving his angel life behind for his new journey as a sexy vamp!

Part of the friends and family that watched Sher's turning.

Blood Bonded with his beautiful wife Aggie!

Welcome Sher Monday vampyre!

Pictures taken by Yiffy Foxdale, EmilyAnna Darkrose and Sher Monday.

Post by Kaiyla Solari

1 comment:

Tashi Core said...

Congrats Knight Sher! Glad to see you join the, um, fun! lol.

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