Greetings my wonderful family, :)
On the 24th of January our beautiful Vampire Ritzye Coy, gave birth to a little man by the name of Sampiro Mysty Coy. I was honoured to be there by her side to hold her hand as this magical moment happened. We welcome you Sampiro into our family and love you so much... On a personal note I along with some others would like to share our wishes. :)
I remember the first time I noticed my lovely Vampire Ritz pregnant; she had her cottage over at the old village and games. I along with Radar and Angel were visiting and I noticed in local that there was something talking in Ritz's belly. lol I IMed her and said "I see a congratulations is in order :)" After talking awhile of course the question comes up and I said I didn't know she was with anybody, so she had told me she was immaculate and the daddy was a jug. lol Thank God Sampiro got his looks from Ritz and not the jug. lol Such a beautiful baby we love so much, with a beautiful mom we have grown so close. Welcome to our family Sampiro. :) And such a great job you did Ritz. :) You continue to make your liege proud. :) And a note to the jug... Too bad, I'm taking your spot as dad. :P lol
Eturnal Night Elder, Myst Palmira
I am so proud of Ritz and how well she did giving birth to little Sampiro! I get a new Nephew to spoil! =P I wish you both the best Sis!
Eturnal Night Dragomira Kanashimi
We've been waiting FOREVER for little Sampiro Myst Coy, and of course SL kept me away. I went to reboot before the magical arrival and I couldn't get back in on time... 40 minutes fighting, and cussing as Ms Coy was pushing and pushing made it in but nothing would rez for me at the hospital. After all this finally saw him at home, he's gorgeous, absolutely perfect. Mommy is lovely as ever and looking like the vamp we know her to be. I wish mommy and baby all the best, kisses.
Eturnal Night Mentor, Em Scorpio
From uncle Radar,
Hello sweet Sampiro, after waiting for a long time in your mommies tummy and making us all smile with you kicking around, you decided to enter our family on 24th of January. We all went to the hospital and were nerves as hell but my brother Myst and sister Mira were there with mom Ritz to assist but all went well and we are so
happy to meet you, you brought a big smile on my face and your niece Reica is burping with joy. Soon she will compose an wonderful tune for you on her piano... kiss and hugs.
P.S Eturnal Night bridge will never be the same for me, but I tell you later when you are older. ;)
Eturnal Night Royal Knight, Radar Hawklord
My lovely nephew Sampiro.
Hello Sweet Prince! We were looking forward to the birth of you. You were a boy who often chatted energetically at the time that existed in the average of Ritz mama's tummy. We always heard your voice and know you kicked your mom's tummy. In the waiting room in the hospital, your Radar uncle, Radar, WOLFIE and Black were there. Your cousin's baby Reica also waited while playing with her toy piano. It was so exciting and tons of butterflies flying our stomach. This day became remarkable day for all of us. Supported by a lot of love and you were born in this world. Really adorable my nephew. :0 I Love You so much.
Dear Mom Rityze :)), hugs you and kisses on your baby boy had come!! Always loving you...
Eturnal Night Event's Co-ordinator, Angellica Oakleaf
Firstly I would like to thank Ritzye for allowing me to be a part of the birth of such an amazing looking child. It was such an amazing feeling just to be there at the hospital and waiting, so thank you again and may the future bring you all the joy that you both deserve. :)))) Welcome to the family Sampiro, we are overjoyed at your arrival. And Rits to you a wow what can I say what more could a child want but a mom like you. :))))))
Eturnal Night Vampire, WOLFIE Dreddmor
Thanks everyone for their support for Ritz and again I am so proud of you. :)
Respectfully, Sampiro's goddaddy lol
Myst Palmira
Post by Myst Palmira
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